Pratical Ministry

All the students are given ample opportunities to take active part in all the practical activities of the College. It focuses on the practical side of the training. The following is a brief sketch of various evangelistic involvements.

1. Week-end Evangelism: Throughout the academic year, the weekend ministries engage the BD and MA students in various types of ministries in the surrounding villages and towns, supervised by the faculty members, local church pastors and the concerned institutional personnel’s. This program is an opportunity to minister to people’s specific needs and also for students to learn leadership skills and co-ordination.

2. Summer Practical Works: During the summer break, all the students are required to be engaged in their own local churches for a minimal period of 1-2 months under the supervision of their own local Pastor. The students are thus exposed to the parish ministry needs and challenges. On arrival from the vacation, they should submit a written report signed by the supervisor. This report is graded and is a requirement for the completion of B.D. Degree.

3. Holistic Ministry in Cross-Cultural Context: This program is intended to provide the BD students unique opportunities for holistic ministry experience in cross-cultural setting mostly in the rural contexts. During the winter break, students are sent in small groups for a month long cross-cultural holistic ministry to the villages of the surrounding states and countries. The holistic ministry program allows the students to learn about the religious and socio-cultural needs, problems and challenges of the rural people.

Announcements: >>> Applications for Next Academic year 2023-24 available in Admission Page.